The Jake Tom Family Enduro – October 11, 2025
Pre-registration begins at 8pm ET on Thursday, September 10th 2025
- You will need a profile to register (pre-reg or day of reg), so we recommend taking this step ahead of registration
- Link your buddies’ IDs to your profile under “Racer”…this linking will allow you to register together for row assignments (kids, friends, etc.)
We will be using transponders this year in an effort to vastly improve our riders’ scoring experience from years past, we’ve implemented a full RFID loop…$TBD has been added to the entry fee for the transponder
- Example: Afternoon classes will register at $TBD ($TBD class fee and $TBD transponder), morning classes will be $TBD ($TBD class fee and $TBD transponder)
- X-Rider class is $10
- There are 2 events listed (Morning, Afternoon)…Unfortunately, you can only register one event at a time so please keep this in mind (ex: X Riders support in the AM race, but plan to enter as a rider in the PM)
There is NO PAPER REGISTRATION this year, we have 2 iPads at the club house and Wi-Fi if you’d like to use your phones…this has worked really well for our other events this year, but it is definitely recommended to register ahead of the event
Visit the Hocking Valley MC registration pages September 10th to register!